All fingers point to Martindale!

These are the kinds of lost pics I love, where someone has thought to place the discarded garment in a prominent place, and here almost pointing its own way home!

This is Martindale in the Lakes, and is a magical valley as far as I’m concerned. It’s largely always devoid of anyone else, quiet and peaceful, with only the sheep and the birds for company – magical. The best way to get there is to take a Steamer from Pooley Bridge or Glenridding to Howtown and to take the path to your right which heads to the lakeside walk. As soon as you reach the top of the first steps, however, in effect a walker’s T-junction, turn left, away from the lake shore.

This take you round the flanks of Hallin Fell (a lovely digression for an hour up to its summit is well advised for the views across the lake in all directions) and then you reach the road. Martindale is sign posted once you hit the road and follow it.

I once walked through Martindale and up on to Boredale Hause and dropped back down into Patterdale and as I got up to the Hause I sat on a rock to eat my butties looking back out over the valley I’d just walked. It was beyond fabulous. It was God’s discoteque! It was one of those days with a good breeze, a bright sun but sporadic clouds peppering the sky. And the result was light and dark patches racing across the chequer board of fields below me and it just reminded me of the dancefloor in Saturday Night Fever!

So if you can’t get out for a walk through Martindale this weekend at least veg on the couch to Saturday Night Fever – Aaaaal Pacinooooo! Bop yo ass off!

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